Day 1
Adventure List – Sit in a quiet place and write down everything you want to do, achieve, see, visit, or own before you die. Have at least 101 items to regularly review and start working towards.
Day 2
Get outside and walk for an hour somewhere, the beach, the forest, a park, or where you live. Take someone with you and chat. The aim is to enjoy your environment and slow down and enjoy your surroundings for an hour.
Day 3
Set out a 7-day healthy eating plan. Write your main meals and snacks. From this do up a shopping list that is ready to go for the week.
Day 4
Do 50 squats. Start with feet shoulder width apart and bend like you were sitting down in a chair. Stand up and repeat. Google for a video tutorial.
Day 5
Spend some quality time for yourself doing a mindful meditation. There are lots you can download. Do a 10-minute meditation or two 5-minute meditations.
Day 6
If you have a favourite quote or affirmation write it down on at least 5 sticky notes and post around the house e.g. your mirror, computer, fridge, TV, office. (If you don’t have one, there are heaps to choose from in Facebook groups, or just by googling.)
Day 7
Go for a walk/hike where there are hills or dunes at the beach for 20 minutes. The aim is to get that breath puffing. If you have no hills go for a brisk walk for 40 minutes.
Day 8
Water is important for hydration, health, energy and vitality. Drink 2 litres during the day.
Day 9
Do 60 sit ups all at once or throughout the day. If you find it difficult to do without assistance place your feet under a step or the couch as you sit up. Google for a video tutorial.
Day 10
Now that you have been reading your Life Goals list, pick something and make it happen.
Day 11
There are many great programs for making vision boards or do it the old-fashioned way and cut pictures and words out of magazines. The aim is to pick things you want to visit, own, that mean something to you and look at every day. It can even contain things from your Life Goals List that you will achieve in the next 12 months.
Day 12
Over the day climb 150 stairs. At home, going to work, at the train station. Don’t take the escalator or lift, do some stairs.
Day 13
Choose 3 different pieces of fruit and have through the day. Enjoy fresh strawberries, a banana, some blueberries, kiwi fruit, rockmelon, whatever takes your fancy.
Day 14
Do 40 push-ups on your toes or your knees. Do all at once or spread over the day. Google for a video tutorial.
Day 15
Take time out for yourself and relax in a hot bath with Epsom salts or a bath soak of your choice. Soak for at least 10 minutes with your eyes closed. Make it even more restful and add a candle or music.
Day 16
Do an incompletes list. If you have anything around the house that distracts you from your day list them. Write down things like: the fly screen needs replacing in the screen door, the office needs tidying, the linen cupboard needs sorting, the bottom kitchen drawer needs decluttering. Draw up 3 columns on a page, 1st column “what needs fixing or what am I tolerating”. 2nd column, “what needs doing to fix it”, column 3 “who is going to do it and when”.
Day 17
With a step tracking device or your phone count how many steps you do for the day and aim high for 10,000 steps.
Day 18
No alcohol for today.
Day 19
Do 100 star jumps for the day. Google for a video tutorial.
Day 20
Buy or borrow a self development book and start to read it today. Some great examples are: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield; Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers; Jonathon Livingstone Seagull by Richard Bach; Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert; Thrive by Ariana Huffington; Be by A.C. Ping; The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz; Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy; Who Moved my Cheese by Spencer Johnson.
Day 21
Do something you love, take a pic and post it on social media. It can be you out walking, cooking something, knitting, reading your favourite book, dancing to your favourite song, resting by the pool. Be creative and don’t forget to hash tag it.
Day 22
Map out a 2 kilometre course and walk or jog it. Split it into 1 kilometre in the morning and one in the afternoon if preferred.
Day 23
Have a meatless eating day. Be creative with some recipes that don’t require meat.
Day 24
Hold yourself in the plank position for 5 minutes. It can be split up into 1-minute intervals over the day. Google for a video tutorial.
Day 25
Pick one item off your incompletes list. Either do it or organise for it to be done. Tick it off the list.
Day 26
Ring a friend or family member who you haven’t spoken to in over 3 months. Reconnect and enjoy.
Day 27
Do the mirror exercise. Whether clothed or naked, look into the mirror and say I love you 10 times. If you find this difficult imagine yourself in someone else’s body who loves you and see what they see. Come back to your body, look at yourself and enjoy the beauty of you. Know that you are beautiful inside and out. If this is done every day for 21 days, you will feel that love and become comfortable with who you are, recognising your beauty.
Day 28
Either make your own (or buy) a vegetable or green smoothie to drink.
Day 29
Do a wall sit for 8 minutes. Spread it out over the day. Lean against a wall, slide down until your knees are bent and legs are 90 degrees to the wall. Google for a video tutorial.
Day 30
Set GOALS in two areas of your life. Whether it is relationships, health, career, wealth, leisure time/hobby. Make them SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. State them as though you have attained them in the future. “It is 31 December 20--, I am sitting on my back deck noticing that I am now 70 kilograms and feel strong and happy”.